1. What is the Xpats Gateway?
A seamless, end-to-end solution that enables communication with relevant partner agencies throughout the application process, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience for both applicants and partner agencies. All decisions are issued electronically via Xpats Gateway, allowing for more efficient processing by partner agencies and well-time approvals.
2. Do all expatriatesrequire a Support Letter from the Agencies?
Support Letters are required for employers that are under the purview of the respective Agencies. Please refer to the ESD Online Guidebook (page 19 & 20) for the list of Agencies.
3. If my company is not under the purview of any Agency, do I need to apply for a Support Letter?
If the company is categorised in the sectors listed below, the employer can proceed to directly apply for an Employment Pass application in ESD Online (esd.imi.gov.my). The Expatriate Committee and Immigration Department of Malaysia reserves the right to request for a Support Letter, if necessary.
- i. Business Services
- ii. Wholesale & Retail
- iii. Oil, Gas & Energy
- iv. Logistics
- v. Electrical & Electronics
- vi. Automotive
4. Can I request for a Support Letter physically from the respective Agencies?
The Employer must request a Support Letter from the respective Agencies via Xpats Gateway effective 15 June 2023.
5. Do all expatriates require a Support Letter from the Agencies?
Support Letters are required for employers that are under the purview of the respective Agencies
6. Must all applications under MDECs purview be submitted through the Xpats Gateway?
Effective 24 April 2024, all new and renewal applications for Employment Pass (EP) must be submitted through the Xpats Gateway at https://xpatsgateway.com.my.
7. Will the expatriate application be automatically approved once the Employer received the Support Letter?
Applications are required to be submitted and processed via ESD Online, and all application approvals are subject to the decision of the Immigration Department of Malaysia.
8. What are the documents required to apply for the Support Letter?
Employer can refer to the respective Agencies for the documents required.
9. How to check the status of the Support Letter?
Employer can check the status of the Support Letter application via Xpats Gateway.
10. Who is the decision maker for the Support Letter?
The decision for the Support Letter is subject to the respective Agency
11. Is a Support Letter required for Professional Visit Pass (PVP) applications?
A support letter is required for the PVP application under two (2) sectors as per the listing below:
- 1. Support Letter from Civil Aviation Authority of Malaysia (CAAM) for Aviation.
- 2. Support Letter from the Department of Mineral & Geoscience (JMG) for Mining.
Employers can apply for a Support Letter directly with the respective agencies. The Support Letter must be uploaded to ESD Online (esd.imi.gov.my) during the submission of the PVP application.
PVP application other than the above does not require a Support Letter.
12. What is company tiering?
What is the key indicator to determine a company tiering?
It is a formulated tiering system in ESD Online which has been in practice since 2017 internally by the Expatriate Services Division (ESD). The tiering system will auto populate the tiering of companies from Tier 1 (highest) to Tier 5 (lowest).
ESD Online is an integrated system with the Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM), Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (LHDN), Immigration system and accessed by Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM).
Based on the information extracted from SSM, companies are ranked and calculated by the system according to the 5 key indicators:
- - Twelfth Malaysia Plan (RMK-12)
- - Company Lifecycle Stage
- - Revenues
- - Issued Capital
- - Track Record
13. What type of company falls under Fast Track and Normal Track?
- - Fast Track: Companies in Tier 1, Tier 2 and Critical Sectors
- - Normal Track: Companies between Tier 3 to Tier 5
14. What is the Support Letter processing charter time?
- - Fast Track: within 3 working days.
- - Normal Track: within 10 working days.
The following Agencies are excluded from the client charter:
- 1. Malaysia Nursing Board, Ministry of Health (MOH)
- 2. Allied Health Science Division, Ministry of Health (MOH)
15. What is critical sector?
Companies that are identified by the respective agency as a critical sector are based on the company's projects, investment value, niche skills and technologies, and newly critical industries in the current market.
16. How can I view my company tiering?
The company tiering will be listed in the company profile in ESD Online effective 15 June 2023.
17. The Primary Sector or Agency which was selected is incorrect. Who should I contact if I want to change the information?
The employer can contact MYXpats Helpdesk at helpdesk@myxpats.com.my or +603-7839 7171
18. If I am unsure of my Primary Sector or Agency, who should I contact to obtain the information?
The employer can contact MYXpats Helpdesk at helpdesk@myxpats.com.my or +603-7839 7171
19. I have received a Support Letter via Xpats Gateway. What is the next step?
Log in to ESD Online (esd.imi.gov.my). Click on the "List of Supporting Letter Application" tab. Complete your employment pass application for final approval by the Immigration Department of Malaysia.
20. What is the validity of the Support Letter?
The validity of a Support Letter is six (6) months upon issuance date.
21. Can we use the same Support Letter for the pass renewal?
The Support Letter is only for one-time use per application in ESD Online.
22. Is there any quota/-projection to apply for Support Letter per Employer?
There is no requirement to apply for quota or projection for a Support Letter.
23. Is there any cooling period to re-apply if the application is Not Supported?
There is no cooling period to re-apply for a new Support Letter.
24. Is there any limitation to re-apply the Support Letter if the application has not been supported?
There is no time limitation of the Support Letter application. Employer can proceed to re-apply for a Support Letter from the respective Agencies
25. If the Support Letter application is Not Supported, can I proceed for an appeal?
The company can proceed to reapply for a Support Letter for a new Support Letter application.
26. How do I cancel the Support Letter application in Xpats Gateway?
For cancellation of the Support Letter application, please email to helpdesk@myxpats.com.my
27. If my company is not under the purview of any Agency, do I need to apply for a Support Letter?
If the company is in other sector as per listing below and received MIDA's Confirmation Letter for Exemption from Manufacturing License (if applicable);
- 1. Business Services
- 2. Wholesales & Retails
- 3. Oil, Gas & Energy
- 4. Logistics
- 5. Electrical & Electronics
- 6. Automotive
The employer can proceed to directly apply for Employment Pass application in ESD online. The Expatriate Committee and Immigration reserves the right to request for a Support Letter, if necessary.
28. If I still have a valid Support Letter granted before 15 June 2023, do I need to apply the Support Letter?
The employer can proceed to submit the application and attach the Support Letter granted before 15 June 2023 in ESD online if it is still valid.
29. Do I need prior approval from the Department of Labour Peninsular Malaysia and MYFutureJobs PERKESO for Support Letter?
Yes, employers are required to obtain the prior approval from Department of Labour Peninsular Malaysia and MYFutureJobs PERKESO to apply for the Support Letter from respective Agency
30. If there is any issue, to whom do we contact for any assistance/ support/ inquiries?
For enquiries related to applications, please contact the respective Agencies. The contact information is available on Xpats Gateway (Contact Us).
For technical and other matters, please contact helpdesk@myxpats.com.my or +603-7839 7171
1. What is the Xpats Gateway?
A seamless, end-to-end solution that enables communication with relevant partner agencies throughout the application process, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience for both applicants and partner agencies. All decisions are issued electronically via Xpats Gateway, allowing for more efficient processing by partner agencies and well-time approvals.
2. What is the Investor Pass?
The Investor Pass is a multiple-entry visa (MEV) facility introduced for business visitors or foreign investors to facilitate their business activities, particularly for those who have committed to investing in Malaysia through investment agencies or relevant authorities.
Investor Pass holders are permitted to enter Malaysia for a period of six (6) months, with the option to extend for an additional six (6) months, subject to the applicants justification and requirements. -
3. Who is eligible to apply for the Investor Pass?
Business visitors or foreign investors who fall under any of the following two (2) categories are eligible to apply for the Investor Pass:
- i. New Investor: Potential investors who have not had any investment record in Malaysia.
- ii. Investor in Pipeline: Potential investors who have been identified as interested in making investments in Malaysia, are currently in negotiations with the Malaysian Government, or have applied to MIDA for project approvals.
4. How do I apply for the Investor Pass?
The Investor Pass can be applied through Xpats Gateway.
5. Can I apply for the Investor Pass while I am in Malaysia?
Applicants must be located outside of Malaysia at the time of applying for the Investor Pass.
6. What documents do I need to prepare prior to the submission of the Investor Pass application?
No Documents Type of Investor New Investor Investor in Pipeline 1 Official invitation document from:
- Ministry; or
- Government Agency; or
- Registration of Company in Malaysia (ROC)Optional Optional 2 Copy Of Passport: All Pages (Full Booklet with Front & Back Pages) with 12 months validity / / 3 Certificate of Incorporation of Parent Company / / 4 Latest Audited Financial Statement of Parent Company n/a / 5 Confirmation document from MIDA Regional Offices/ Malaysian Embassy / High Commission or Consulate General n/a Optional -
7. What if my original documents are not in English?
Documents that are not originally in English must be translated accordingly by the respective countrys embassy or authorised translation agencies.
8. How long does it take to process and approve the Investor Pass application?
Once all required documents have been submitted, all applications will be processed within five (5) working days.
9. Is the applicant eligible to bring a dependent/apply for a Dependent Pass?
No, applicants are not eligible to bring a dependent or apply for a Dependent Pass.
10. How will I know if my application is approved or rejected?
You will be notified via the system. If approved, the approval letter will be issued and can be printed directly from the Xpats Gateway.
11. How long is the validity of the Approval Letter?
The Approval Letter is valid for six (6) months from the date of issuance. Applicants must complete the payment within the given period, or the approval will be revoked.
12. Who should I contact if I have any issues related to the Investor Pass?
- For processing related enquiries, please reach out to the Expatriate Services Division (ESD) at: ppp_invest@imi.gov.my
- For further clarification related to documents and agency requirements, kindly contact the Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA) at: investorpass@mida.gov.my
- For Xpats Gateway technical assistance, please get in touch with the MYXpats Helpdesk at: helpdesk@myxpats.com.my
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For a comprehensive FAQ by the Department of Labour Peninsular Malaysia (JTKSM) and MYFutureJobs, please visit:
2. MYFutureJobs
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